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  Star Wars: Squadrons
Posted by: duke - 06-18-2020, 09:15 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - Replies (4)

Posting this in the main forum as well for visibility:

I don't think I've logged on in like 10 years, but obviously had to find this forum after seeing the gameplay trailer for Squadrons.

Does anyone else still use this thing??? Hope to hear from y'all soon and more importantly, play this game together like the good ol' XvT days!!!

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Posted by: Banakapalata - 12-19-2018, 01:09 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

Celebration thread!
Is anyone going to Chicago for the star wars celebration! I will be going on Monday the last day of the convention, leaving Columbus Ohio on Sunday early am. If anyone needs a lift or wants to carpool and you live between col Oh and Chicago Ill let me know! I'm not sure of my return trip date yet but I'm pretty sure I wont be staying for more than 3 days (sight seeing/ adventure eating).

I can't wait!


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Posted by: Sonic - 12-17-2018, 07:22 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - Replies (8)

Who wants to come to my wedding?

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  PSA: Destiny 2 is free until Nov 18th.
Posted by: Starfire - 11-13-2018, 06:03 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

Sonic already mentioned this in the thread below, but I wanted to give it some more visibility. If you have a Blizzard account, you can claim your free game by just clicking download from the launcher. If you don't have an account, they are free to create.

Destiny is a space game that might be perfect for our guild to mess around with. You can't beat the price. =)

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  For Cielle
Posted by: Sonic - 10-20-2018, 05:35 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

Please do me a favor, and follow these steps to make sure a minidump file is being created for your BSODs.

1 - Type Control Panel into the search bar and open it
2 - Go to System and click
3 - Go to Advanced System Settings (on the left) and click
4 - Go to the Advanced tab and click Settings under the heading Startup and Recovery
5 - Under System Failure. make sure it's checked to 'Write an event in the system log' and 'Automatically restart'
6 - Under Write Debugging Information, make sure you set to 'Small memory dump (256KB)' from the drop-down menu and then click OK.

The next time you have a BSOD (Blue Screen). check for the minidump file. When you get it, e-mail it to so I can analyze it.

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  Who wants to play some games?
Posted by: Starfire - 06-12-2018, 10:03 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

So with SWTOR kind of coughing up an early death rattle, what other games are we playing or would like to start? Battlefront II is adding Clone Wars content later this year which sounds awesome. I know a few of us are addicted to Fortnite, and EVE still has it's loyalists. SWG is still an option thanks to the EMU, even though our town just evaporated...

Basically, I am just putting out some feelers about where we can go next. SWTOR probably has about a year left, but it is time to start thinking about the future. Maybe a rotating game night, or a weekly/monthly gathering. (Online gathering I mean, but we are due for another real life one too.)


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  Rank Insignia Images
Posted by: Sonic - 01-28-2018, 11:14 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

Anyone still have the old images of our rank insignia?

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Posted by: QuorTek - 07-14-2017, 09:26 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

Come play Final Fantasy 14, been on the Zodiark server for almost a year now... and it is an awesome MMO Big Grin

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  Does anyone play SW TOR?
Posted by: DDD - 07-09-2017, 09:07 AM - Forum: Star Wars: The Old Republic - No Replies

I occasionally log into the game, but I usually only see one person on. I was surprised one night when I saw like 3 or 4 people on. Is the game basically slowly dying? I am wondering if I should unsubscribe soon. What do you think?

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  Quick announcement.. <drum roll>...
Posted by: Sonic - 06-17-2017, 02:09 PM - Forum: General Saber Wing Forum - No Replies

I am, as of June 16th 2017, now the legitimate business owner of Quantelligent IT, LLC.

Now.. first thing you're gonna ask is: WTF is that word?

To answer that, it's just a combination of Quantum Intelligent. I wanted to go with something original, and meaningful. And what's more intelligent than beyond intelligent? Next level stuff. Think about it. Or don't. I don't care.


Oh yeah, and.. CAPSHIPS!!!

Thank you.

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