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May 13th 2011

Is the end for smallville Sad

Oh a high note it will be a 2 hour finale

Don't worry, they'll reboot it in two years with different actors but the same scripts.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

More importantly, the ending will make no sense, have nothing to do with any of the major plot lines or mysteries and just have a cheesy happy feeling at the end that only those who started watching a week before would appreciate since they have no vested emotional interest.


it'll be a senseless plot ending that sucks out 1 hour 55 mins . with the final 5 mins , having clark put on the suit . an reveal himself to the world as Superman an not the blur . End of series thanks for comming out . Stay tuned for the fall when the whole cast returns with ... Superman ....


OH OH OH They can call it Lois and Clark.... Oh wait they did that already.....

The did "Superman" already too.....
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

kateria Wrote:it'll be a senseless plot ending that sucks out 1 hour 55 mins . with the final 5 mins , having clark put on the suit . an reveal himself to the world as Superman an not the blur . End of series thanks for comming out . Stay tuned for the fall when the whole cast returns with ... Superman ....


LOL Kat, they are done with Smallville, Tom Welling and Erica Durance are going their seperate ways after it's all over. However they may do a Green Arrow spinoff but nothing is confirmed yet.

Here is the Lex Luthor return promo trailer

Epic :O

snoresville ....

Green Lantern tho actually looks like it might be worth seeing .

Here is a behind the scenes look with Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling in the finale episode for this friday, these two are hilarious LOL

...I don't get it.. So they can't act, and that's funny?

Sonic , I think the funny part is not so much that those pair can't act .It's a fact the show's conn'd masses of poeple to want to tune in an watch bad acting for ten straight years .... Idea

Ah, yes.. Hilarious

Here are some clips from the smallville finale if anyone missed it

Guidance from Jonathan and Martha Kent

Luthors face their Darkseid

The Villian and the Hero

Lex and Tess's destiny

Wedding or Darkness

Clark's trials

Clark becoming Superman[/URL]

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman

A Super future..FIN

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