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Sabers TOR List

Here is the compiled list of people who are members on the TOR guild website:

Saberwing TOR Members List with Viewable Application Info

If you click on the "Applied Date" for the member, a new window will open up sharing the application responces.

TOR Forum Name
Hanak [original Saberwing member]
Kirby [original Saberwing member]
SBRBelle - Kirby's wife [wife of Saberwing leader Tongue]
SBRPolgara [original Saberwing member]
Nisdain - NightFire [LSFer, joined SBR launcher of Galaxies]
SBRDoc [original Saberwing member]
SBRSonic [original Saberwing member]
Varkantos - Pallos [original Saberwing member]
SyberDog [original Saberwing member]
DDDJediMaster [original Saberwing member]
JujitsuPrincess - DDD's wife [wife of original Saberwing member]
Xeriphim - Kateria [joined Saberwing later in Galaxies]
MarcellusCravar - Mario'g [joined Saberwing midway through Galaxies]
BinkSayres [friend of Doc's and Polgara's from RL]
RaithHarth - Cillian [joined Saberwing during Galaxies]
The_Revanant - Quinlin [joined in Galaxies]
Ronan_Calastria - Meryl [joined Saberwing in Galaxies]
Shreddington [LSFer, Ghost Legion]
WookieRock - Rocksteady [LSFer, Ghost Legion]
UnderD - V8POR [LSFer, Ghost Legion]
Cyrranna - Cyrrex? [LSFer, Ghost Legion]
Cuinlan - Marce [joined in SWG, Ghost Legion]
Obiwansghost - SBR_Zombie (Srefo) [original Saberwing member]
CyberData - Auron from SWG [joined Saberwing early in Galaxies lifetime]
Phylok [SWG Saberwing member]
ChocolateJ - Hanak's homie (old SWG Saber)
Vuraux - Hanak's homie (old SWG Saber)
Announce - Dirbot from SWG
Obiwanrockwood - Vah-Shem from SWG
XxxacelegendxX - Cillian's peep
Crazyfists - Cillian's peep
Kealahou - Cillian's homie

And some people that randomly applied?
jedilowe - played some SWG
Kermitizer - raid leader and healer
DoragonEichi - once avid WoW player, social, PvE
Ikoprica - smuggler who loves to kill stuff
Orphanix - played lots of MMOs, RPer, license to BurningBoard forum software
KOTORtryhard - likes to help out

I will update this later to include in-game names.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Looks good D'hors , tho I'd prolly wait til were all in tor before updating the character names Tongue . some may end up with names different from swg Tongue .

kateria Wrote:Looks good D'hors , tho I'd prolly wait til were all in tor before updating the character names Tongue . some may end up with names different from swg Tongue .

Well different names in another era of starwars makes sense does it? I mean Starwars galaxies takes place 3,500 years after SWTOR, I doubt any of our characters could survive 3,500 years Tongue

Perhaps if they were powerful enough Wink

kateria Wrote:Looks good D'hors , tho I'd prolly wait til were all in tor before updating the character names Tongue . some may end up with names different from swg Tongue .

I laughed at this, thanks Kateria. I can't update that list until people have in-game names for me to list, which they can't have until they are in-game. <- sorry if it comes off as sarcastic, I'm quite tired and didn't think when I was typing this. I did laugh though and I pray that's the effect you were going for.

As far as names, I'm going with the same ones for simplicity and also fun back story. For example: Ukvayat is a family name, traditionally given to the first born male child every second generation.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Sonic added!
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

I think there should be a rule that names can only be words Mep can pronounce and spell. So we are talking simple verds or adjective, perferably 3 letters or less. Like Nis, Doc, or Pol. Ukrainavat doesn't count, sorry to say.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

That would make me Kir, or Sta. Kirsta.. ack! Yeah. That won't work.

Yeah, so I'm using the same name in this game as SWG. I like it, and I'm lazy. =P
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Archangel Wrote:I think there should be a rule that names can only be words Mep can pronounce and spell. So we are talking simple verds or adjective, perferably 3 letters or less. Like Nis, Doc, or Pol. Ukrainavat doesn't count, sorry to say.

Actually, for short people just say Uky (ookie). My real name is Luke....putting the pieces's what my little cousins call me because they can't pronounce L's just yet and it stuck.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Var for the win. Its actaually how the name came about. /msg Var is very easy to type.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

Yes D'hors I was trying to be mildly funny Tongue

kateria Wrote:Yes D'hors I was trying to be mildly funny Tongue

[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

Uky, that name makes me think of broken down pickup trucks, illiteracy and barried bodies in the backyard for some reason. :mep:
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Not ucky, Uky. Like cookie without the 'c'.
[Image: BRQ8v.gif]

So you are saying it rhyme's with snookie? Back to original point.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

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