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I've always wanted to be a pirate

Now I can :O

The MMO market is crazy, how many pirate mmos are there now?

And why O why is there no starcarft online?
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

I thought about trying the beta for it, but I'm in 3 different MMO's right now and only playing 1 of them with any consistency, that being WoW, I come into Galaxies sometimes (I'll be in more after Chap 6), and I haven't even tryed to start up LOTR Online since it was released.

Here is a better look on the pirate combat system

Cill you magneficant bastard im about to quiting galaxies for this saoon as i can
you guys better too lol
* SBR_Scythe tosses RSFS_Cheif a Coke
<SBRLestat> a sprite for me scythe
<SBR_Starfire> Hey Scythe, I'll have a cock
<SBR_Starfire> oh my god
<SBR_Starfire> I'm never going to live that one down am I?
<SBR_Scythe> nope

I bet PoBS will do better, and PotCO will do worse than SWG.
[Image: dervish9bp.jpg]

"Don't be deceived by appearances, Luke. Wookiees aren't simply big shaggy humanoids. They have an ancient culture with subtleties of its own. They are creatures with close ties to nature, and a great affinity in their own way, for the Force." Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, on Wookiees. (Star Wars: A New Hope Audio Drama)

Quote:Originally posted by Dervish
I bet PoBS will do better, and PotCO will do worse than SWG.

Not necessarly look at World of Warcraft for example it has millions and millions of registered users and the graphics aren't the greatest on there either. I've heard many great things about POtCO, supposely on the beta it's top notch, there still dealing with lag issues but nonetheless a great game, I haven't heard much about POBS yet, only time will tell though, but it isn't the graphics that make the game, it's the gameplay and by the sound of things POtCO is it.

Oh did I mention that people of all ages are currently playing the beta? even though the game is targeting mostly young adults (mostly due to the graphics and because it's a game developed by Disney) but they hope to target people of all ages in the near future.

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