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Play it if you got it

Quinlin Wrote:Says the page doesn't exist. Must have been a lie. Just like the cake

But the cake was real at the same time.
[Image: sig.jpg]

NightFire Wrote:But the cake was real at the same time.

Details Tongue

Archangel Wrote:India is technically an asian country. Yes, they do have the money. Every time you call a help center, they get a dime and God kills a kitten.

Arch, when did you develop a sense of humor???

If the servers go dark, and we know, I'll log on the last day :-p

Dunno maybe it would be good if SoE would be Indian owned at least on the game side of everything, then they could fire all those stupid american and other country programmers and use indian workforce instead, it is also known that the Indians in India are very good at the job they do in general with alot of things in the IT business and whatsoever programming business.

Oh well me rambling... and nope India is not a third world country really but a country that is starting to boom up alongside with china and other places of the like.

QuorTek Wrote:Oh well me rambling... and nope India is not a third world country really but a country that is starting to boom up alongside with china and other places of the like.

And is also a major consumer of natural resources, like China, during its time of developement, and is contributing to the overall imbalance of supply and demand with fuel prices. Along with this boom of industry within China and India, and other countries within the pseudo-sphere of developement comes pollutants and an influx of greenhouse gases being pumped into the atmosphere. These gases are driven from said countries by prevailing winds and are swept across the oceans to our shores, polluting the air of the Pacific Coastal cities and beaches even further.

Twenty percent of the entire global production of oil is shifted to the United States. Sixty percent is shifted to China and the rest of the developing contries of the Asian Continent in order to feed this new industrial complex now being built.

To whomever blames the United States for the world's so-called oil crisis and environmental instability, I give you the royal finger. Because it's not us. Look elsewhere. Do we have a part in it? Just like the rest of the world, I'd say yes. So, please. For the love of all that is just, can't we all just get along?

QuorTek Wrote:Dunno maybe it would be good if SoE would be Indian owned at least on the game side of everything, then they could fire all those stupid american and other country programmers and use indian workforce instead, it is also known that the Indians in India are very good at the job they do in general with alot of things in the IT business and whatsoever programming business.

Oh well me rambling... and nope India is not a third world country really but a country that is starting to boom up alongside with china and other places of the like.

This is inaccurate. The truly talented ones get the hell out of India and usually come to the US or the UK. The Indians with lesser talent stay behind to earn a slave wage. If they truly were that talented, why would they make so little? Some development can happen in India, such as simple databases and web pages. Usually the code gets ported to the US to have it cleaned up and debugged. Entry level IT jobs are hard to come by in the US right now, however senior level developers are in high demand. They mostly spend their time cleaning up dirty code from India.

As bad as the Americans are at developing SWG, it can get a lot worse.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

I'd say send it to Canada, but lets face it, we don't want SOE here. Period.

Although I'm sure Ubisoft or Bioware could certinaly spice the SOE games up a lot :lol:

Supposely Bioware, err EA, is, but that is happening in Austin. Don't worry, I am sure we will get excellent CS from India.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Send it to Denmark, but well Danish guys probably are to clever to beat onto that mousetrap that SWG really is.

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