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JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Printable Version

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JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Cillian Harth - 01-24-2013

Not surprised

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Meryl Haddox - 01-24-2013

At least it's not Boom Boom Bay...

But I'd still rather not have lens flare blinding me at every turn...

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Meparch - 01-25-2013

I actually like his stuff. Not too many they could have gotten that are better but a whole lot worst out there, like freakin Bay.

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - adun12345 - 01-26-2013

Pretty excited for this! I hope he brings a different sort of feel to Star Wars than to his Star Trek movies... I remember when Star Trek came out, there were a lot of comments that it drew very heavily on the Star Wars movies. That's great, but it would be a shame if the two franchises lost their distinctive quality.

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Meparch - 01-26-2013

Depends how the next Star Trek movie does. If it is a huge success expect the next star wars movies to follow the same "winning" formula. People's careers are on the line with this one, they won't do anything risky, like a Jar Jar.

Lucas was free to experiment with his new SW movies. Most experiments btw, usually turn out bad, no matter who is conducting them.

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - SyberDog - 01-27-2013

Just hope Jar Jar Abrams doesn't kill it.

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - LSF Shadow - 01-30-2013

Yes I'm curious to see what kind of magic he can work with the SW Universe.....

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - BinkSayres - 02-05-2013

Chewie...turn off the lens flare generators!

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Hanak - 02-05-2013

Spin off movies?

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Meparch - 02-05-2013

*Spoiler Alert*

Yoda dies! :mep:

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - adun12345 - 02-06-2013

Is anyone really surprised? Really, only the timing was unexpected - I'd thought they'd try to get at least VII out the door before they started promoting their spin-offs.

Could be good. We'll have to wait and see...

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Meparch - 02-06-2013

If you look at what they are doing with all the super hero movies and reboots there of, it is not surprising at all. How many movies with one or more of the Advengers have come out in the past 3 years?

We'll be seeing a SW movie every other year from 2015 on until they stop making monies.

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - BinkSayres - 02-06-2013

Yeah, but that was an experiment to see if they could bring the concept of comic book continuity to the big screen. What's the excuse for SW?

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Starfire - 02-06-2013

I personally think it is going to be an unmitigated disaster. We shall see.

JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars - Meparch - 02-06-2013

I doubt we have another John Carter of Mars here. It will be over done.