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Yup it's confirmed .... Smallville is renewed for a 9th season ....
uh.. I guess that is ok....
kateria Wrote:Yup it's confirmed .... Smallville is renewed for a 9th season ....

I already knew this Kat but thanks for the heads up Tongue and it's rumored it will go on for a 10th season Wink
Here's are some shockers rumored to hit the finale of season 8 though :O
yeah , season * ends with an episode entitled " Doomsday " prissy whinny clark chump kent will be in angst over what to do an go out an gimp it up , resulting in the death's of one , two or three mainstream characters . With the actress who played Kara , off to ABC for there series revival of the dreadfull 80's series V . It's doubtfull kara will return . Chloe isn't apart of the mainstream DC universe stuff never was . So her dying an davis dissapearing are both plausible .

Most likely once again clark will be left without his powers ( gee like we hand't seen this act before . ) and season 9 will be a dark season at the start with it nearing the end with clark in tights an accepting he's the man of steel instead of cheese .

Anyways , I found the show Life was alot better ! . Loved the season ender on it . Hope NBC is smart enough to bring it back an leave Knight rider where it belongs , on video tape on a shelf in a video store , forgotten about .
This Thursday at 8 pm eastern is the season 8 finale of smallville the episode is called "DOOMSDAY" it's the big fight between Clark and the monsterous Doomsday, check out the trailer for the upcoming episode.
makes me wonder which DC characters they are going to bring in new this next season. Green Lantern? Batman? Wonder Woman?
What suprises me is that Phylok is brought to life again!!!
hehe the reports of my becoming one with the Force have been greatly exagerated.
gawds could smallville get any lamer ? .... Worst season ender ever ...I'm not even going to bother watching season 9. season eight was just plain gay... Not merry type gay ... but flamming flamingo pink gay ...

If that was the best the writers could come up with ... the series is in worse shape then the american economy which is pretty much in the toliet already ...

heck all the season enders so far have all been lacking and pretty weak ...
I think them bringing in doomsday was a bit much. And correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they say at the beginning he wouldn't fly in smallville?
kateria Wrote:gawds could smallville get any lamer ? .... Worst season ender ever ...I'm not even going to bother watching season 9. season eight was just plain gay... Not merry type gay ... but flamming flamingo pink gay ...

If that was the best the writers could come up with ... the series is in worse shape then the american economy which is pretty much in the toliet already ...

heck all the season enders so far have all been lacking and pretty weak ...

Blame the CW CEO Dawn Ostroff, she pretty much is butchering the entire network with cheesy shows like 90210, Gossip Girl, Melrose Place and now they switched Smallville to Fridays now and replaced it with a lame vampire franchise called "Vampire Diaries" on Thursday.
they are prob trying to capatalize on the teen, twilight loving next generation of sheep. the only good vampire is a dead one.
naw CW is trying to cash in on HBO's true blood vampire series , which is actually based off some popular novels . that series itself isn't all bad an the number 1 rated show on HBO since soprano's ...

reguardless , smallville as it stands is still crap. the shaq song ," tell me how my ass tastes " , still sums up smallville pretty good .
....tell me how my ass taste? was he tossing the salad?
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