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I couldn't find if this had been dioscussed here or not (or if it was kosher too even) but has anyone checked out the Galaxiesreborn Emu?

Looks legit, legal & free.
At this point, as far as I'm aware, the only server for emu up and running is the "official" Nova Test Center for SWGEmu.
I think this is a different dev team's own EMU project.
there is swgEMU, and swgAHN. The second I know little about. But I do know that if they both formed up together, that there would be playable servers.
Won't touch anything from involving the devs from SWGEmu with a ten foot pole. I know several were pretty bad exploiters in the real game. The idea that they wouldn't cheat to hell and back when given access to directly manipulate the code is well... yeah.