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Full Version: Clone Wars Adventures Online game
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That is true, SOE only got my disrespect when they launched the NGE, other then that I can't (and shouldn't) really say anything bad against them, although Vanguard was a bit of a flop. I'll likely give it a whirl when CWAO is released though to be honest, why not lol
Vanguard isn't SOE's fault. They came in and saved that game from the vapor. And since throwing good money at bad is not the thing to do, I can't blame them for getting Vanguard up to top level. Even if they did, people would just ignore it. Anyways, they have EQII to worry about.
Yeah, poor Vanguard. That was the game I picked to play outside of SWG with you guys. Oops. =P
Starfire Wrote:Yeah, poor Vanguard. That was the game I picked to play outside of SWG with you guys. Oops. =P

Make it your mission to bring down EVE, Star. I dare you =P
Ah, that's what you meant in that other post. Gotcha. Any game I join late ends up killing it for the other Sabers. Don't worry I won't mess up your fun in EVE. TOR is safe since I'm joining at launch.
Yeah, will you joined Vanguard at launch and those poor bastards got escorted out to the parking lot and were told they were all fired.
My wife and I have both been playing Clone Wars Adventures. She loves the Stunt Gungan - as I'm sure you all will.

I'm on as Ukvayat Hanak.
Hanak Wrote:Gungan

Kill it with fire!!!!!

EDIT: I have signed up for it, my characters name is Jaxer Craststing, make sure you tell me who you are here so I know to add you as a friend
You can make him 'fly' with thermal detonators, a STAP, probe droid, or repulsor pad. Or you can Force push him into manure, a clone trooper, or mud puddle.
Yea I gave it a shot and it was actually pretty fun, although I don't think that's actually a mud puddle :tongue:
You have the pile of manure and the flies and you also have the mud puddle that makes you slide to a stop.
Oh I gotcha, only played it once lol
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