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Hi Everyone,

You might know me from my exploits in another universe called Star Wars Galaxies. I've been transported through a wormhole to another universe, a new body and a new name. I'm joining SBR Corp in EVE Online.

Good to see you all, and some familiar faces have made the transition through the void.

(PS: Don't ask me where I came up with that I'm half drunk, hah)
Hey there! I remember your name from SWG! Weren't you a weaponsmith at one time? I think I bought at least one FWG5 from one of your vendors.
Used to have one of the best weapons smiths in the game. I didn't actually do any building. Just some of my members from FDWS.
Welcome and welcome again. :mep:
Access granted to member forums. Welcome Smile
Yeah. I remember you. I bought some weapons from your vendors over the years. Good times. Welcome to the guild!