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Full Version: God of War Collection making its way to the PS3
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just putting this up for any God of War fans on the forums the story is on the gamespot web site
Can't wait for this to be released, I loved the first two
I'm getting this and the Collectors ed of GOW3 after seeing krotos rip out that cyclopes eye in the E3 demo I was hooked also the game is supposed to be amazingly long with 15boss battles
Too bad PS3 sucks Tongue
All consoles suck. At least the PS3 can do bluray and SACDs if you got the right one. Games still suck though.
Archangel Wrote:All consoles suck. At least the PS3 can do bluray and SACDs if you got the right one. Games still suck though.

you mean amazing games like killzone 2 or uncharted 2 or perhaps god of war 3 as far as gaming goes the PS3 has all the hardcore titles on it for example I would even go as far as saying Killzone 2 is one of the best fps titles i've played the AI is incredible and as far as graphics go the PC has a slight edge nothing note worthy
Metal Gear Solid 4 is terrific if you like that series, and inFamous is amazing too
I have a PS3. Tried a few. Same sucky controler for them all. Some are better than others of course but with a controler ment to be used by an 8 year old the system is flawed, unless you are an 8 year old or have small hands.
Well I guess you must just be clumsy with your hands then mep Tongue