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Full Version: Pirates of the Burning Sea
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So... whose gonna play it and if so where should we all play so we can find each other? ::coughRACKHAMcough::
OMG it's SD :O
I started a guild on the Morgan server called The Sea Hawks. This game is a great change of pace, but I will keep SWG as my main game. Jonathan Stronghart is my toons name. The Sea Hawks is a British guild I was hopin to start it as a Privateer, but will accept Navel and Priates. Avast me hearties, Yo ho !!
Drink up me hearties Yo Ho! :drink: :buddies:

*Wanders off and gets loaded*
A Spanish ship sails by blowing away the local tavern
*Is aboard the Crimson Fury, a Heavy Corvette*
*the King of the Sea a frigate begins a hunt on Meryl*