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Full Version: Most important issue in this years election
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True :lol:
Unfortunately, so true.
Thats the most honest newscast I have ever seen..
That's The Onion for ya. Love those guys..
So true. It's all bullshit, IMO, but I prefer Obama's bullshit -- although I'd prefer Kucinich's bullshit more if he'd only bring the redhead to more TV appearances!

EDIT: I just watched the video. I wasn't impressed. All I get from the actors is "Dammit why the hell am I here? I should be doing a speaking role on Bones -- Goddamn writers' strike!"
I want Kucinish's wife to run. Having a pres with her tonge pierced would be too cool and she is nice to look at. Make the press conferences worth watching you know.
Archangel Wrote:I want Kucinish's wife to run. Having a pres with her tonge pierced would be too cool and she is nice to look at. Make the press conferences worth watching you know.

I lol'ed in RL
The sad part is, this is what more than half of americans pay attention to.

The sadder part...that's the portion that actually votes.
Yeah, I'm a fan of Kusinich. Not only is his wife wicked hot, but I agree with damn near everything he says. Too bad he has no chance whatsoever. Now if his wife ran...
Now, now, don't go over the line and talk actual politics.