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Full Version: You know a game has hit the mainstream when....
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This is an entirely legitimate commercial, that was played during a recent football game down in the states... I just about died laughing when I saw it. And here I thought the game was hitting the mainstream when it was used in a Jeopardy question and inspired a South park Episode.

Four Wheels of Fury ftw! =oP

Heh I like the Office Space commercial better..
What is funny I have that truck, down to the exact color. Does that mean I get to use it if I play WoW? BTW, that commercial isn't exactly realistic. The truck takes down dragons much faster than that.
Rofl arch =oP So have you installed it yet slacker?
Nope, I'm a slacker.
SLACKER!!!! You know, if you start now, and you actually like it, you might be 70 by the time the expansion comes out in february =oP
Haha that was good, but why always the Alliance, I mean seriously Confusedumfinut:
Lol I said the same thing Meryl. Bloody alliance always gets the lime light. Horde rules, Alliance drools! :punk: What server are you on again Meryl, and what do ya play as a main, just out of curiosity? Tauren Hunter here, and Syn is a Tauren druid, but we're leveling our pally/shammy duo now as our serious alts. Going to be a deadly 2v2 arena team when we get em to 70.
I'm on CC (Cenarion Circle), and I play a level 47 B/E Hunter named Tyrcinous, as well as various little ones, mainly a lvl 24 B/E Warlock named Allieah ((what can I say, I love Blood Elves :yeah!: ))
As long as your not one of the ERPing Belf twits its all good =oP They don't call Silvermoon City, Cybermoon for nothing. *grins* No 70s though? Syn and I actually fought a 2v2 team from CC last night in the arena's. Bloody Alliance druid team, moonkin and feral blech... we lost..
Haha no I avoid going to Silvermoon, and I'm just not on enough to get my char up to 70 or he would be already haha. I've actually got a lvl 37 B/E Pally that I started when BC was released, could've been one of the people that had a lvl 70 2 weeks after release but I dropped off from my (at the time) guild leaders 'training regime' :lol:

Oi Meryl! You get Halo 3 yet? It's awesome!

*flees before Nis shows up*
I got Halo 3 the day it came out, my roommates beat it before I have.... Actually..... I have yet to even reach the part where you get Cortana back :lol:
Play online, I'll get you through it Tongue
Can't afford the gold membership right now sorry Quin Sad